Mahnaz Seyed Ekhtiary: the tree of body


In the theoretical considerations of feminist movements of the 60s the body was defined as “border” between nature and culture, in fact, taking an historical distinction between the human and the world around him. In a frequently used access it can be argued that nature and culture and their relationship are the result of an invention. The contemporary perspective leaves the two domains with boundaries

Scott Hove: Guns and Ecstasy


San Francisco artist Scott Hove has been making unusual cake based sculptures as part of his Cakeland series since back in 2005. Now, for his show Guns and Ecstasy, Hove has turned his talents toward firearms and in particular assault rifles. It’s an appropriate topic as the debate on gun legality continues to rage in the US after a shocking amount of recent school shootings.

Emily Blincoe: Sugar Series


I’m a freelance photographer, born & raised in austin, texas. i enjoy working with color and natural light and usually in a series. that spills into my portraits, landscapes and other concept photography. gives you bits & pieces of what’s going on in my world.

Paper Donut


Paper Donut is a french collective founded in September 2009. Directed by Alexis Facca it’s results from work of many hands: Justine Ricaud, Fanette Guilloud, Benoît Brulbault have already given their time to the collective. The concept of this collective is based on geometrical paper volumes and space scenography.

Paolo Regis: Human Power


A point, a line, a fragment, an outline, a form, a shape, a face, a spirit, a presence, a surface, a space, a territory, an event, a story. A set, a crowd. This is the vision of photographer Paolo Regis (1979) which presents the photographic project “Human Power”. What is the unit of measure of this multitude? And the question from which the visual pathway,

Neil Dawson: Empty Kingdom


Dawson was born in Christchurch in 1948. The son of a Methodist minister, he grew up in Masterton, Petone, and Hastings and received his secondary education at Hastings Boys’ High School. While in fourth form, Dawson climbed onto the assembly hall and painted April Fool in large white letters on the roof. This gave him front page exposure in the Hawke’s Bay Herald-Tribune and he

Mounir Fatmi: Blinding Light


Excerpt from The cult of manipulation: photography at the fringes of reality.

In an unusual 15th century Renaissance painting titled The Healing of Deacon Justinian by Fra Angelico, a miraculous tale of transformation is told. Two saints, Cosmas and Damian, take the leg of a recently deceased Ethiopian man and sew it to the sleeping Deacon, whose own diseased leg has been amputated. For decades,

David Spriggs: Vision 3d


“I found that painting had certain qualities that allowed me to represent certain concepts, and sculpture allowed others, yet each method had their own inherent limitations. I wanted to find a way that I could paint in the space between the two and three dimensions in order to bring new ideas and ways of seeing. It lead me to develop a new type of

David Altmejd: Frozen Instants of Realities


“When I started making sculpture, I realized that what made it different from any other genre was that it exists in real space. It doesn’t exist in representations; it actually breathes the same air we breathe. It potentially has the same energy as a person. I wanted to make intensely powerful objects that were able to generate energy. So I started making severed werewolf