Luca Gnizio: Constructed Nature

Born in 1981 in Lodi, currently living in Pietrasanta, Luca Gnizio has, in only a few years, attracted broad interest from National and International critics, allowing him to rapidly acquire important appointments. Discovered in 2010 by Kenji Kawasaki, he was invited as the first Italian in the category of professionals, to participate in the Tokyo Designers Week. He has also been supported by talent hunters such as Marva Griffin, and invited to the <<Salone Satellite>> in Milan fair, and Gisella Borioli at Superstudio Group.

Luca Gnizio sees the ethics of sustainability as the new frontier in the design of everyday items.

The intention is to use resources and ideas in favor of a sustainable design, aiming to actively the raise awareness of companies to a more practical environment. In addition to the creation of its products, Luca is also involved in various social associations. Sustainable development is possible only by following the principles of cooperation and sharing, thus proposing a new approach towards market relations and ultimately towards the consumer.
By collaborating with numerous companies for the supply of industrial waste materials, which Luca uses, to create new solutions for companies to reuse their waste material as new products, effectively eliminating warehouse storage and scrap production. He transforms what was once waste material into new products, demonstrating that a virtual cycle of reborn products, of complementary quality and value, can be a true expression of the ethical principles of environmental protection.