Dustin Yellin is living in Brooklyn, New York. He is best known for his sculptural paintings that use multiple layers of glass, each covered in detailed imagery, to create a single intricate, three-dimensional collage. His work is notable both for its massive scale and its fantastic, dystopian themes. Yellin is the founder of Pioneer Works, a non-profit institute for art and innovation in Red Hood,
Marit Fujiwara graduated from Chelsea College of Art and Design in 2009 and then set up her company Tanana Takite. Specialising in mixed media and constructive textiles, she creates some really unique pieces that push the boundaries between Art, Craft and Design. She adopts an experimental attitude towards materials, combining traditional printing techniques with embroidery and fabric manipulation. As a keen illustrator, she bases her
Celia Pym Process and ways of recording activities are central to her work. The holes in people’s clothes, the stories that accompany them; repairing these holes and returning the mended garments are all represented in her approach. She is finding ways to represent the spaces the body occupies, the tenderness of touch and the ways of going about daily life. Celia Pym is an artist
Maria Rubinke studied at the School of Glass and Ceramics on Bornholm in 2008. Later she has exhibited at Haugar Vestfold Museum of Art in Norway and the Civic Museum Bassano del Grappa in Italy, and most recently she has presented a comprehensive solo exhibition, Fragile, at the Vejle Art Museum in 2012. Like the surrealists, Maria Rubinke thematizes the complexity of the human psyche
The visual artist Eleonora Roaro often gets inspired by the history of art and creates metaphors about existence, as she previously did with her work “Loop” about the archeology of cinema. In this installation project she revisits devices such as zoetropes, praxinoscopes and magic lanterns, which were fundamental for the development of cinematographic language and techniques. These instruments were based on loops, sequences of images
Risekult ArtBook is the precious pubblication for collectors, consisting of approximately 180 pages on contemporary art, thematic with English and Italian texts, made with special papers and prints..
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