Remember my song

mind music

Music may help some people relax when they’re trying to concentrate. But it doesn’t help them remember what they’re focusing on, especially as they get older. That’s the finding in a new Georgia Institute of Technology study that challenged younger and older adults to listen to music while trying to remember names. College-aged participants had no problems — the music didn’t affect their performance. But

Zhanna Kadyrova: Invisible Forms


Zhanna Kadyrova started working as an artist at an early age, employing a wide range of media, with which she engages with the world and with history. Her practice has taken various forms, including video and performance, but it is her sculpture that brought her to the attention of critics and the viewing public. Regarded as a talent destined to establish herself on the international

Marco Paganini: Inside


Marco Paganini work appears like a box, a closed box. Each box has a different size, different measures, different structure, a different way to open up, a different arrangement in the space. Inside is the name of this work, because it is on the inside of these boxes that something happens. Is indeed “inside” of each box that a world exists, becomes possible and replicable.