Lithuanian artist Ceslovas Cesnakevicius‘ photo manipulations using two images imagine what it would be like if we shared our every day world with wild animals. The whimsical black and white photographs were taken during Cesnakevicius travels in London and Amsterdam. ‘I saw the diversity of people of different cultures and nationalities, with all sorts of extravagant outfits and looks and yet people keep to themselves
La La Land (Damien Chazelle) CONCORSO VENEZIA73 – film d’apertura: La La Land racconta la storia di Mia, aspirante attrice, e di Sebastian, appassionato di musica Jazz, che cercano di arrivare a fine mese in una città famosa per distruggere le speranze e infrangere cuori. Ambientato nella Los Angeles di oggi, questo originale musical sulla vita di ogni giorno esplora le gioie e i dolori
Who am I to judge. A phrase that has been around the international media: spoken by the present Pope, Francis, and he was referring to a demand made to him during a return trip by plane from a journalist about the pedophile scandals and violence perpetrated by several priests, cardinals and clergy around the world. The Pope’s response was out of context and was seen
Agne’s Jacket is a remarkable object, stitched inside and out with the words of psychiatric patient, Agnes Richter held in an asylum for the insane in the 1890’s. The Prinzhorn Collection is the legacy of Hans Prinzhorn who was tasked in 1919 to expand on an earlier collection of the art of the psychiatric patient at the university. By 1921 he had brought together
Enric Majoral was born in 1949 in Sabadell (Barcelona). In 1972 he settled in Formentera, where he still lives and works most of the year. In its formation converge the setting inherited from the artisan father, the frequency of the Industrial Escola d’Art i Oficis of Sabadell, where he experimented different craft techniques, such as hand weaving and woodwork, and architectural firms. In 1974 in
Apichet “Madaew” Atilattana is an Internet sensation at 16 – and not for singing wicked cover versions of Justin Bieber. He designs and models dresses that he cobbles together out of the most unusual materials, like mosquito netting, clothes hangers, cooking utensils, bicycle tyres and even various forms of plant life. Amassing more than 200,000 followers on Facebook and Instagram since he began uploading his
La realtà è perduta. Lo spasmodico desiderio d’amore passionale impossibile, quale unica salvezza di un’utopica ricerca di ordine nella psiche. Freddie Quell siamo noi uomini raffigurati nella personale perdizione del nostro vizio: l’istintivo desiderio carnale, nell’abbandonarsi a se stessi, una sotto forma di castrazione dal reale alienante che nutre quel desiderio di abuso catalizzato da un tormento perenne. Il protagonista di The Master interpretato da
Nick Cave is an artist, educator and foremost a messenger, working between the visual and performing arts through a wide range of mediums including sculpture, installation, video, sound and performance. He says of himself “I have found my middle and now am working toward what I am leaving behind.” Cave is well known for his Soundsuits, sculptural forms based on the scale of his body.
Three hours out of the Chinese mega-city of Guangzhou, through the sugarcane and banana plantations and deep into the rice paddies, strange things start to rise from the fields. Called diaolou, or watchtowers, they have an oddly Western look, frosted with arches and spires and little domes that contrast with the straight lines of many traditional Chinese houses. There are more than 1,800 of these
Philippa Beveridge is a London- and Barcelona-based British artist who currently works from her own studio on architectural commissions, installations and sculpture in glass. She graduated in landscape architecture from the University of Greenwich, London, in 1984 and completed an MFA in Art in Architecture from the University of East London in 2007. She studied sculpture, painting, mosaic and glass at the Massana Art School
Risekult ArtBook is the precious pubblication for collectors, consisting of approximately 180 pages on contemporary art, thematic with English and Italian texts, made with special papers and prints..
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