“This is a coat collection where I use soldering instead of tailoring lines, which looks like scars, reflecting on the long term and temporary traces of mankind on the Planet Earth and on their own body, like scarification tattoos, these scar lines generate very new forms, which are plastic, sculptural, and look beautiful and strange at the same time. I injure the textiles but then
Nation: Norway Country: Finnskogen forest Date: November 17 2014 Coordinates GPS: N 60° 5’37.53” E 12°20’50.64” Track: Smorhølmen Lake (second step) Temperature: min -‐3° max +8° Equipment list: compass, work gloves, map, insulation mat, multitool, thermal blanket, stove, fire stell, tarp, cords, water pot, scotch tape, sketch book, pencil and camera. The forest is a natural cathedral, an arboreal shrine, an elite place
A photographic and video project, created during two years of research and experiments, registering more than 100 different scenes and the shooting of many different subjects, during several journeys around the world. The aim is to investigate what’s beyond the surface and find the point, the gap, the door, in order to access the hidden and invisible levels. “Investigating Matter” is an analysis of the
Thomas Hirschhorn is a Swiss artist who is known for his sprawling works that transform traditional white cube spaces into absorbing environments tackling issues of critical theory, global politics, and consumerism. He engages the viewer through superabundance. Combining found imagery and texts, bound up in low-tech constructions of cardboard, foil, and packing tape, he props imagistic assaults in a DIY-fashion that correlates to the intellectual
Children beware, the Easter bunny has a dark side and I’ve found it at St Bart’s hospital. St Bart’s is a working hospital , so I was a little confused to find myself roaming its corridors, as well as my iPhone maps, looking for the location of an event normally associated with fluffy chicks and bunnies. Lo and behold, I turn an isle and bump
Elegant and ethereal, floating forms fill the space, combining the materiality of twisted wire and beads, crystals, and pearls with the ephemeral qualities of light and shadow. There is a sense of poetry, cathartic release, and peaceful movement in the stillness of KeySook Geum’s works. Life-sized sculptures of dresses, qipaos, and other forms of fashion hover suspended in the air or draw from the walls,
Masuda Hiromi born in Jokohama 1942 is a japanese glassartist. The installation, titled ‘Play the Glass’, is one of the artist’s most famous works, expressing his poetic creativity with a play on words. “Hiromi Masuda’s glass creations”, explains art critic Cristina Trivellin, “are not only objects of extraordinary beauty, but something much more profound, born from the passion and love for the subject they breathe
While staring at a painting by artist Titus Kaphar at the Yale Art Gallery, a man named Benjamin Vesper experienced a psychotic break and attacked one of the figures in the painting. Vesper was arrested and subsequently admitted to the Connecticut Valley Hospital where his full identity and background remained a mystery. During the course of his sessions with a psychologist, Vesper began to reveal
Music may help some people relax when they’re trying to concentrate. But it doesn’t help them remember what they’re focusing on, especially as they get older. That’s the finding in a new Georgia Institute of Technology study that challenged younger and older adults to listen to music while trying to remember names. College-aged participants had no problems — the music didn’t affect their performance. But
Zhanna Kadyrova started working as an artist at an early age, employing a wide range of media, with which she engages with the world and with history. Her practice has taken various forms, including video and performance, but it is her sculpture that brought her to the attention of critics and the viewing public. Regarded as a talent destined to establish herself on the international
Risekult ArtBook is the precious pubblication for collectors, consisting of approximately 180 pages on contemporary art, thematic with English and Italian texts, made with special papers and prints..
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